HOPE for the future
When we feel a positive emotion like gratitude it broadens our horizons and gives us HOPE for the future. We engage in greater creativity, connections, ideas, and actions.
Soil of HOPE
While researchers have found some links between gratitude and genetics, most of our disposition toward gratitude is determined by factors we have control over. Fortunately, being thankful does not depend on the car we drive, the job we have, nor the shape of our body. Gratitude is a practiced outlook on life. We consciously choose to see the good rather than the bad.
Cultivate HOPE
How do we cultivate HOPE in a world that seems to be getting crazier and moving further away from God every day. It’s not uncommon to hear someone say, that situation is hopeless, that person is hopeless…how sad is that?
Find Supporters
Your culture sets your expectation for what is “normal”. Surround yourself with people who have the habits you want to have yourself. You will rise together! You will learn from them, be supported by them, and have the encouragement as they engage in the habits you envision for yourself.
Stay the Course
The completion of the habit is the cue to log it in some way. In that way you can remind yourself not to break the chain because it feels so good to have done the habit and then whisper to yourself – never miss twice. You may have a valid reason for not completely the habit one day, but not two days. Try to get back on course as soon as possible. You do not have to be perfect, just persistent. Habits are NOT all or none. That is what stops us and holds us back from accomplishing our vision.
Early on, it’s all sacrifice when building a new habit, or so it may seem. You’ve packed your gym bag and set it on the front seat of the car, maybe you’ve gone to the gym a few times, but you’re not stronger or fitter or faster—at least, not in any noticeable sense. It’s only months later, once you’ve shed a few pounds or your arms gain some definition, that it becomes easier to exercise for its own sake - you see and feel the cumulative results.
Have you noticed that you started strong, but our initial excitement has waned, and you have performed your habit more like 4 times than 5-10; or you have fallen off course, struggling to complete your habit/goals and action steps. Maybe you are more like completing the habit only 2 times and getting discouraged.
Prime It!
One way to increase the odds that your habits will be performed is to walk into an environment that is ready for the habit.
Automate Habits
Your new habit will be easier to achieve when you put it in your regular path. I put my vitamins in the path of brushing my hair. They are right there so it is convenient, attractive, and OBVIOUS. That small environmental change created better odds for completing my good habit. I see the travel pill box when I sit down to brush my hair after breakfast and automatically take them.
Make it Obvi
For example, if you bought fruits and veggies and hid them away in the fridge, it might not be easy to remember to cut them up into serving sizes. Move the veggies to an eye level shelf in the frig so that when you open the door, it sparks the habit. Seeing the veggies would make that habit difficult to ignore. Even if the easy version is bagging some carrots for tomorrow’s lunch.
You might need to re-design your environment to instill good habits as well. Move the plan overs down a shelf and the condiments to the side doors. Give the fruits and veggies the prime real estate in your fridge. So, you see them! They basically slap you in the face and say, “cut me up!”
Showing Up
Have you ever done that? Set too lofty of a goal or wanted to change so much that you end up overwhelmed and gave up because it seemed too big to keep trying? If you’re human, I’m sure the answer is yes!
The more you envision that identity or who you want to be, the easier it is to think of the habits they practice. This list might seem overwhelming at that time, but then the process continues.
Really, 1-a-day?
By doing 1 exercise a day, you will have built the habit of daily activity. Your brain feels success. Building the habit in a doable chunk is vital to success.
Spring into Action
It is time to switch your exercise routine from winter and spring into action! If you were indoors at a gym or enjoying outdoor sports like skiing, snow shoeing or winter hikes; you might need to change up your cardio as well as your strengthening routines.
1 a day
May times we fail to start a new habit, because we set to high of a goal. For example: I will work out 30-60 minutes and do all the circuit machines at the gym. Or I will lift weights for 30-60 minutes 4 times a week, when you haven’t done resistance work in years.
Plant Based Diet
One of the most powerful steps you can take to improve your health, boost energy levels, and prevent chronic diseases is to move to a plant-based diet.
Take Control of Your Health
…we ALL deserve the knowledge to make changes in our diets to live a healthier life. These 6 pillars are the key to living your healthiest life.
For example, if you are not sleeping well, it’s hard to choose the right foods. You may choose sugary treats because they give you temporary energy, but in reality they suck you into a cycle of calorie laden choices which make you feel sick. Your mental health also suffers, because you shame yourself for making poor choices. Each area is related and should be looked at as a pillar of good health.
Resist Unhealthy Snacks
Changing your lifestyle and eating healthy is a journey, and lifestyle change doesn't happen overnight. If you think your snacking might be standing in the way of your goals, look at these strategies and tackle one or two that you think will be the most meaningful to start with. Put value on the choice to eat healthy.
Healthy Habit Building
Fuel your body with nutritious food, regain your energy with fruits and veggies and refresh your mind with real foods, not take-out of frozen meals.
But what if you’ve been thrown off and need to get back to habits you’ve temporarily abandoned? Here are a few tips to get you started.
Hit the Reset
If you find yourself cheating too much, give yourself grace. Grace removes shame and gives you a do over. You’ve eaten it, you cannot change past chews. See it as a learning lesson and think about why you made the choices you made.