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RightNow Conference 2020

The theme of this years RightNow Media conference is FOCUS. If Christ is our focus, His gospel must be our message. We tend to look at success through a haze of big numbers or expanding influence, but the real triumph is when lives are changed through the good news of salvation. Is the cross the focus of our teaching and preaching? This virtual conference is available FREE. Speakers like Bianca Juarez Olthoff, Kyle Idleman, Lucan Leys, Jennie Allen, Tony Evans and Matt Chandler lead sessions that you can view, and review anytime for the next 30 days. To watch RightNow Conference again, simply open this email and click on the livestream link or search “RightNow Conference 2020” on YouTube.

November 2

Days of Gratitude

December 1

The Good News Challenge