Worry Less

That old saying “worry wart” conjures up a growth produced by negativity and really shows the world that your mind is stuck.  Worry is futile and it gives the “What If’s” of life legs.  I recently read a devotional from Joel Osteen that stated, “Studies show that we talk to ourselves up to thirty thousand times a day! There’s always a thought going through our mind.”  Another way I’ve heard it divided is that, we spend about 80% of our time thinking about the past that we cannot change and the future that we cannot predict or know. That leaves us only about 20% of our time to think about the present, the moment and be mindful in it. 

When we devote time and energy to thoughts, they will grow.  When we feed worry it produces a harvest of anxiety, fear and paralyzing stress.  We cannot trust the “What If’s” – so why do we give them so much power?  It’s as if we are torturing ourselves. One definition of worry is “to torment oneself with cares and anxieties.” We give our mind permission to abide in our current circumstances. We linger in the “what if” thoughts that will never materialize and allow them to weigh us down with the burden of worry. We are consumed over “what if” thoughts.  It becomes a toxic cycle that feeds itself like a wildfire.

Instead of worrying which robs your focus and energy from the present moment, we need to give that burden to God. Otherwise worry fills our minds with “what if” events and circumstances that may never happen.  Jesus tells us in His Sermon on the Mount not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough trouble of its own.  (Matthew 6:34) Basically, He’s got this. 

There’s a sign that hangs in my dining room to remind each family member that, God’s in control.  That we are to hand over our cares, burdens and worry to Him.  The sign says, “Good morning this is God…I will be handling all your problems today”. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” That spirit of worry and fear is not of God. 

A reminder for my family that God is in control.   He invites us to give Him our worry, anxiety & burdens.  Do you need to spend time with Him today and give Him your burdens?

A reminder for my family that God is in control. He invites us to give Him our worry, anxiety & burdens. Do you need to spend time with Him today and give Him your burdens?

When we focus on worry, which is not from God; that worry takes you on a walk through arid places seeking rest and worry does not find it.  That worry breeds other unhealthy spirits. In the end you are worse off than when you first started, more worried and more stressed. This burden may manifest itself in loss of sleep, chronic fatigue, inability to focus, gut and intestinal issues or an irritable character. That toxic potion makes you cynical and bitter,  among other unhealthy character traits and physical conditions.  Jesus stated in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”  He is offering a clear way out from the weight of worry and wants to remove those warts and physical issues that burden us. You simply need to go to Him, He already knows but wants you to come to Him. That’s the beauty of free will and choice. He is there always, but will never force you to surrender your will for His Will.


God also wants us to be disciplined and take our thoughts captive. (2 Corinthians 10:5)  While He wants us to give our concerns to Him and then meditate (think about over and over) on His Word, He also wants us to capture the thought before it starts to pollute our hearts and minds.  He gives us clear instructions on where our thoughts should be focused. For example, Philippians 4:8 gives a list of things to think about and meditate on. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” 

I urge you to take time TODAY to sit down with your Creator and surrender your worry, burdens, cares and concerns to Him. He will not disappoint you! He keeps His promises.

The thoughts you keep in the loop determine the direction of your life.
— Steven Furtik
If you need help changing your thoughts to forward ones, consider 1:1 Life and Health coaching with me!

If you need help changing your thoughts to forward ones, consider 1:1 Life and Health coaching with me!


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