Vitamin “O”

Why is getting outside, getting your “Vitamin “O”, so important?  Regular sunshine is the best source of vitamin D.  Vitamin D is important for:

·         Supporting healthy bones by regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

·         Reducing inflammation

·         Supporting the immune system and glucose metabolism

·         Lowering blood pressure

·         Promoting good mental health, it regulates mood and decreases the risk of depression

Reduce the risk of osteoporosis with proper vitamin D!

Research has also proven that there is a “link between exposure to the sun and lower blood pressure levels, with reduced death rates from cardiovascular issues. They suggest that exposure to sunlight triggers the skin to release stores of nitrogen oxides, which cause arteries to dilate, lowering blood pressure, and may reduce the impact of metabolic syndrome.” – Medical News Today.  Without vitamin D your bones can become soft, thin, and brittle. Insufficient vitamin D is also connected to osteoporosis. If you don't get enough vitamin D through sunlight or dietary sources, you might need vitamin D supplements.

Sunlight is also important for sleep.  It regulates the levels of serotonin and melatonin (a hormone that induces sleep and influences circadian rhythms) and helps support our own circadian rhythms for sleep.  Your body also makes vitamin D when direct sunlight converts a chemical in your skin into an active form of the vitamin (calciferol).  Daylight keeps our internal clock aligned with the environment per at Dr. Charles Slicer in 1981 Harvard Medical School. People should be aware of the use of technology, as the light from devices (blue light waves boost attention, reaction times and mood) affects your circadian rhythms for sleep and suppresses melatonin secretion.  We need to unplug to recharge and sleep well.

Being in the sun generally makes us feel good!  When the sun is out, our disposition can change to a more positive outlook on life.  Sunlight is essential for human health and well-being. 

Get Outdoors = Good Mood!

If you are in a place where the sun doesn’t shine daily, or you have a shift job where you work during the night and sleep in the day, you can get Vitamin D from food sources.

Some foods contain vitamin D naturally, and others are fortified with it. You can find vitamin D in the following foods. Vitamin D isn't naturally found in many foods, but you can get it from fortified milk, fortified cereal, and fatty fish. salmon

  • sardines

  • herring

  • canned tuna

  • mackerel

  • cod liver oil

  • beef liver

  • egg yolk

  • shrimp

  • regular mushrooms and those treated with ultraviolet light

  • milk (fortified)

  • certain cereals and oatmeal (fortified)

  • yogurt (fortified)

  • orange juice (fortified)


The Mayo Clinic states, “The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 400 international units (IU) for children up to age 12 months, 600 IU for people ages 1 to 70 years, and 800 IU for people over 70 years.”  As always, consult your doctor for his/her recommendations. These are general guidelines and should not be used without the consultation of your doctor.



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