Time in Nature

This was taken at Amnicon Falls State Park in Wisconsin.

There is evidence that spending time in nature has a positive impact on the brain and behavior. It can be a reflective time, enhancing many areas of our lives. The American Psychological Association says, “Spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being. Feeling connected to nature can produce similar benefits to well-being, regardless of how much time one spends outdoors.” Apr 1, 2020

Examine plants, have you ever seen this on a fern? Have you looked?

A new buzz word is “Ecotherapy”, it is touted as a way for people to get in touch with nature’s healing powers. Psychotherapist Ryan Reese PhD and his collogues coined the term “ecowellness”. It is defined as “respect, appreciation and awe of nature resulting in a feeling connected and experiencing wellness.” Source - International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, Volume 37, No. 2, 2015. They use outdoor therapy which includes taking clients out into the fresh air. Sorry - but I don’t need a PhD to know that time in nature is grounding, relaxing and inspiring. Why? We spend time in God’s creation and can see His majesty manifested in everything we see. It’s really sad to me that people are so connected to social media, city life or other distractions that have nothing to do with getting outside that they think “ecowellness” is something a guy created. Nope - that was God, it’s all recorded in Genesis, read your Holy Bible people.

Here are some other benefits to spending time in nature:

  • Decreased stress

  • Increased happiness or feelings of joy

  • Decreased negative ruminating

  • Attention fatigue relief

  • Increased creativity and imagination

  • Increased tendencies toward kindness and generosity

  • Increased feelings of being alive

  • Increased gratefulness and relaxation responses

To get more out of your time in nature, practice mindfulness on a nature hike. Mindfulness is not some airy-fairy word - it really means being present, in the now and not letting your mind think of other things. It is all about paying attention to what is right in front of you and noticing the sights, smells, your feelings and how you react. Time in nature has physical and mental benefits. Try this mindfulness activity the next time you are outdoors. It will help you get to tune into the environment and stop racing thoughts of grocery lists and to-do’s:

  1. Take slow deep breaths through the nose (stomach should expand farther than chest), then slowly exhale through the mouth, releasing all air.

  2. Stand still for a moment before starting. Close your eyes. Focus on subtle movements the body requires to maintain balance. Let this represent the balance you’re seeking by escaping to nature.

  3. Begin walking. Be aware of your feet contacting the ground. Tune into the sound of your strides, the rustling of leaves or gravel below. Synchronize breaths with steps, inhaling and exhaling in time with the same foot.

  4. Become aware of everything around you: the wildlife; the plant life; the weather.

  5. Pay attention to sights and sounds. Focus on normally missed details.

  6. Take in the grandeur of a tree, then zero in on a single leaf. Thank God for it!

  7. Examine a flower, its beauty, and vibrant colors. Look at the details of the petals, leaves and other parts of the flower.

  8. Notice what’s going on underfoot as you walk. Does it crunch, is it uneven? Is it squishy or firm.

  9. Touch the earth or bark of a tree, feel it’s texture.

  10. See birds and butterflies. Revel in the miracle of flight.

  11. Notice the sky, the clouds. Isn’t God’s creation amazing?

  12. Continue scanning the surroundings. Enjoy the landscape from afar and up close.

Floating in the ocean looking at star-fish.

As with life, it’s all about perspective and what you bring to it. A nature walk can be an exercise session or an awe-inspiring transformative experience.  It should remind you that you are part of God’s creation and that you are created in His image. 


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