Hike Yeah!

It’s not too late to join the challenge and get walking!

Did you know that just 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of walking can:


Limit your risk of colon cancer by 40%? 


It also limits many other chronic diseases by strengthening your legs (quads, hamstrings, calves, and gluts), increasing bone density/mass and lowering risk of osteoporosis.  Walking lowers the risk of heart disease because of its cardioprotective benefits and blood pressure by strengthening the heart muscle and improving circulation.  Chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, and a stroke are also reduced with walking. 


So, if your family history has any of these diseases in it, be pro-active and start walking! It also helps you sleep more soundly.


Walking or hiking is a great form of exercise that most people can do.  It’s not about how fast or how many steps, everyone can benefit from working to their person target heart rate range levels (THRR).  It’s about walking at a level that is safe and beneficial for your current level of fitness.  It’s best to communicate with your physician if you have health concerns about a THRR that is best for you.  Medications (beta blockers for example) can limit heart rate, so using a different scale of perceived exertion is important.  Your doctor can determine that level and scale for you.


Start slowly and try to build your walking regime gradually. To get the health benefits from walking, it needs to be of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (or the level determined by your physician). In other words, it needs to be faster than a stroll so that your heart rate is increased.  Unlike a biceps muscle or a quad muscle, your heart cannot lift weight or do squats, the way it is strengthened is by elevating the activity level. 



Starting a walking program costs nothing unless you need a great pair of shoes.  The investment is well worth it for the health benefits gained. The easiest way to walk more is to make walking a habit. Think of ways to include walking into your daily routine. Instead of finding the closest parking spot, park further away.  Walk every isle in the grocery store.  For breaks in the workday, walk to the furthest bathroom away and refill your water bottle on the way back.  Use the stairs instead of an elevator if going 2 up or 3 floors down.  


“Studies also show that a brisk walk is just as effective as antidepressants in mild to moderate cases of depression, releasing feel-good endorphins while reducing stress and anxiety. So for positive mental health, walking’s an absolute must.”  Health June 1, 2016 John2.


Begin every walk slowly and gradually increase your pace. After a few minutes, if you’re ready, try walking a little faster.


Towards the end of your walk, gradually slow down your pace to cool down. Finish off with a few gentle stretches, which will improve your flexibility.  Stay tuned for next weeks blog that will give you a few easy stretches that you can do for a cool down.






Enjoy More Herbs, Less Salt