What more happiness? Try living the “GREAT DREAM” for 10 days.
“GREAT DREAM” is an acronym that stands for 10 different action steps that you can take to increase your happiness. They are:
Giving – Do something for someone else, it can be giving of your time, treasures, or talents.
Relating – Try to connect with people. Even introverts need at least 1 or 2 people they can talk to. When you connect you will not feel as alone/lonely. Others go through “stuff” too. Sharing the load also helps those “drowning” feel like someone cares.
Exercising – Take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit, and if you don’t believe in “that stuff”
do it for the health of it.
Awareness – Be mindful of your choices and how they not only affect you, but those around you.
Trying Out – Keep learning new things. Challenge yourself and keep on top of trends in your field or read about a subject that interests you like butterflies or gardening.
Direction – Have goals. We need something to strive for and look forward to. If you aren’t into striving, plan a vacation, a trip or set a personal goal to improve your well-being.
Resilience – Find ways to do something you enjoy each day. When we take time to fill our gas tanks with prayer, stretching time, deep breathing or whatever reduces your stress daily, we have a go-to activity when life gets tough. When we feel our emotions rising, we have a variety of activities that can restore calm and help us bounce back more quickly.
Emotions – If you tend to be negative, face it we are all born with a negative bias and sin; stop yourself and find 3 positives to refresh your mind. Looking for the good, the beauty in the world and what is right can help us not only see the positive that is out there but create a more grateful spirit and reduce the effects of burn-out.
Acceptance – Stop comparing yourself to others! Comparison is the killer of contentment. Stop looking at what others have and what you lack, take stock in what you DO have and be grateful for what you have been blessed with.
Meaning – Be part of something bigger. Use your God given talents and develop your skills. A bar set too low has no challenge and does not feed purpose. If you’re not sure of your talents, take a self-inventory or spiritual gifts test. Then apply those in your daily life to give it meaning and fulfill your purpose on this earth.
Yes, this oversimplifies happiness. There are not magic steps to take, but these activities can help you change your life and find meaning and purpose. As we all know happiness is a shadow that people chase that is dependent on people, things and circumstances benefiting us. What we really need to learn is to be content in all circumstances. After all, comparison kills contentment. If you compare your life to someone else’s life – you will never be happy.
As Max Lucado states in his book, How Happiness Happens: Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment and Unmet Expectations, there is an unexpected (or unpopular in today’s culture) path to lasting happiness, one that produces reliable and unfailing joy amidst all of life’s circumstances. I recommend this book for a deeper dive into finding contentment, true joy, and rising above the quest for happiness.