5 Foundational Health Habits

I recently (January 13th, 2024) wrapped up an event that focused on 5 foundational daily behaviors for health.  I based it on the inspiring article I read in August of 2023, TIME magazine, called Behavior Is A Miracle Drug for Our Health.  I turned this research into a 10 - week event.  Each 2-week section focused on one of the 5 foundational behaviors and had a tweak week to adjust what was learned the week before and revise the plan.  Each focus compounded, and by the end of the 10 weeks, 5 foundational behaviors were implemented with a clear plan on how to continue and the habit of tweaking and celebrating wins.  Of the participants, all reported feeling better, most avoided weight gain over the holidays, and many of them lost weight or maintained it.  They also reported that they started with these 5 focuses, and implemented simple daily behaviors that were suggested and fit their current level of commitment to change.  Now they feel these focuses are sustainable because they learn from their choices and overcome challenges with a new idea to try.  Imagine what can be accomplished over time, based on this 10-week intensive event!  

Now, fast forward to January 2024, I recently read The Essential 8 Article (American Heart Association) and yesterday I read a summary of an article from the New York Times, The 7 Keys to Longevity, because it was featured on LinkedIn.  Of all the sources and articles, I’ve read since last summer, they all are fundamentally promoting the same core lifestyle focuses.  If you do these things…verses STOP, DO NOT or any other deprivation type words like “should and must” you will improve your health.  The words that have stifled change, shamed, or made change feel like a punishment, are exchanged with the choice to pursue a healthy lifestyle by adding to your life. Utilizing the body’s ability to create new pathways with positivity and the science of neuroplasticity, there is HOPE! 

The point is, whether you feel there are 5, 6, 7 or 8…there are areas to focus on that will improve health and well-being. I am so pleased to read about what seems to be gaining notoriety.  The articles all lay out the fundamentals in an understandable way and promote small simple changes.  I believe it is my calling to offer my clients this clear path and the support they need to explore these foundational habits and incorporate them into their life with the guidance of an NBC-HWC.  It’s not magic, there is commitment and effort involved.  You find value in the idea; you support it with beliefs, and you dig a new ditch to water new habits.  Health coaching explores the ruts and empowers you to overcome challenges by asking thought provoking questions, encouraging you to come up with the answers while taking ownership of your choices.     

If you’re struggling with your health and want to make changes but now sure where to start, or failed in the past, I feel like this year many experts agree, including me; that focusing on these 5-8 essential/foundational behaviors will give you the framework to get started no matter where you are at. In my event, I provided education, the focus, and the framework.  Participants were encouraged, given tools, and challenged to make personal goals. The tools to help them build healthy habits slowly were offered.  You can layer the program with 1:1 health coaching and maximize your focus by being given the accountability and tools that I provide as a coach in confidential sessions.

If you’re interested in this program, I’d love to chat with you. I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and I am currently accepting new clients.  I’d love to hear your story, create a vision, and help you move past the diagnosis, family history, or health scare to make 2024 the year you acted on your dreams because you were no longer overwhelmed, you have been given hope!

For more information on the clients that I serve, please visit my website.  To hear directly from clients, visit my In Their Words page.  I also invite you to check out my profile on the NBHWC website. (type in my name in the directory)

The other 4 focuses I used were: Movement (I suggested 3 exercises and a daily step goal), Connection, Stress Management (offered techniques to create a toolbox) and Sleep (focusing on the recommended 7-9 hours and sleep hygiene). These foundational behaviors and the changes they made, and that you can make will significantly improve your health and well-being. 


The Path of Life


Take the Stairs