Broccoli 80/20

Eat healthy 80 % of the time so that you can eat treat, family traditions and celebrate life without guilt!

This week’s blog focus will be on the Broccoli Test and eating 80/20.  Have you heard of the Broccoli Test before?  I have used this for years, so you probably are familiar with it, or heard of it if you know me, especially if you were part of my RYL program. I have a handout attached for your reference and to put into view to assist you with asking yourself this question.  You will need to remind yourself of the test, so that if you are struggling with working in your 5-a-day goal, it can help you change your thought patterns and choices and support whatever good/better/best personal goal that you have set for healthy eating habits as part of this challenge.

Basically, the Broccoli Test is asking yourself, “Am I willing to eat the broccoli (substitute another healthy veggie or fruit if you do not like broccoli) instead of the cookie?”.  This helps with determining hunger.  Are you making the choice to eat the cookie, chips, cheese stick or whatever else instead of the serving of fruits or veggies that your body needs for fuel.  Or are you even hungry?  If you say, “no, I don’t want the broccoli or the apple” you are not truly hungry.  You are eating for a feeling, emotion, or boredom, not because you are hungry.  It’s worth taking a pause and asking yourself this question, using the Broccoli Test to evaluate your food choices and be mindful of why you are making the choice that you are. 

Choices… give yourself a variety of healthy choices to choose from.


Don’t get me wrong, you can have treats, you can have the cookie and the _____________, remember the focus of this blog post is to help you make evaluate your current level of fruit and veggie servings and up it, tweak it and make it a healthy habit.  Creating this habit now will help you get through the eating season and the holidays approaching where many recipe and people throw summers fresh veggie and fruit habits to the wind. 

Make healthier sides or create your own raw veggie and healthy dip tray to bring Provide alternatives to calorie empty treats. I do NOT think you are the only one who wants something better!


Creating a healthy habit NOW will help you with your choices in the future.  You will feel better and realize, the junk makes you feel like junk, expands your waistline, and doesn’t fuel your brain for good moods.  Learn good habits now, and plan for grandma’s special Thanksgiving treat or Christmas cookie.  The healthy habits you create now and being more mindful of your choices, will support an 80/20 eating plan.  80% of the time you eat your 5-a-day, so that when it's the holiday, you can decide to eat some of the traditional family treat in your 20%.   


Gratitude & Thanks


Action Steps