Boost Your Brain

Did you know that even a water loss of 1-2% can affect your concentration, mood, fatigue and headaches?

According to, most mature adults’ lose about 2.5-3 liters of water per day. We lose water through: our breath, perspiration, urine, and our intestinal tract. Water loss may increase in hot weather and with prolonged exercise or activity.

This loss can contribute to many physical symptoms, and be misread as a need for food or caffeine. On the contrary - we need to drink more water, plain water.

Water helps your brain cells communicate with each other, clears out toxins and waste that impairs brain function, and carries nutrients to your brain. This all falls apart if your fluid levels drop. Staying hydrated has been linked to: Faster decision making and improved performance on cognitive tests. If you want to experience clearer thinking, better memory and even enhanced focus and concentration, these cognitive benefits are just a sip of water away.

You'll think and focus better 

Water helps your brain cells communicate with each other, clears out toxins and waste that impairs brain function, and carries nutrients to your brain. This all falls apart if your fluid levels drop. 

Staying hydrated has been linked to:

  • Faster decision making and improved performance on cognitive tests

  • Better concentration and enhanced short-term memory

  • Higher test scores in an educational context

  • Improved focus and decreased mental fatigue

  • Stronger cognitive functioning across the board, including more alertness, less confusion, and even improved learning

You'll fall asleep faster (and sleep deeper)

This is about far more than just catching more Z’s. When you sleep, your brain heals itself, flushes out toxins, and even generates new neurons. This is why getting enough sleep may lead to brain health benefits such as:

  • A better memory

  • More mental alertness, focus and concentration

  • Enhanced psychological well-being and better moods

  • Faster response times

  • More balanced levels of brain hormones and neurotransmitters

Here are some more educational reasons to continue to drink you water, keep pursuing the goal and make it a priority healthy habit for the rest of 2022.


·         Drinking enough water banishes headaches

·         Improves your mood!

·         Reduces the desire to “graze” – you’re not hungry – you are thirsty!

·         Relieves constipation and improves digestion and weight loss

·         Flushes out toxins

·         Keeps your kidneys healthy and prevents kidney stones (in some people)

·         Boosts your immune system

·         Improves your complexion and skin

·         Regulates body temperature

·         Boosts energy levels


You can also eat your water!

How much water should you drink?

Aim for 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day. Add an extra serving of water (8 ounces) for every serving of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages including tea you may be having in a day (these types of beverages tend to be dehydrating).

However, your specific needs vary based on your physical activity, your lifestyle habits and more. For instance, athletes who strenuously work out will require far more water on a daily basis than someone who lives a more sedentary lifestyle. 

Hydration strategies to get more fluids into your body

If you struggle to drink enough water. Try these hydration tips and tricks to keep your body and mind well-hydrated:

  • Drink a glass of water right when you wake up. After a night of sleep, you're already dehydrated and it's a great way to jump-start your system.

  • Use prompts and reminders. For example, drink a glass of water around important milestones in your day (e.g., meals, work breaks, etc.). Or fill up a 2-litre water bottle and leave it in the frig or on your desk to remind you to finish it by the end of your day.

  • Make hydration fun. If you find plain water unappealing, increase the taste factor by making infused water. Adding cut up fruit or herbs like a sprig of fresh mint can help. Or, channel your inner spa and infuse your water with slices of cucumbers or watermelon.


I hope you have enjoyed this months blog posts about increasing your water intake! I hope you learned something new and created a new healthy habit!



Celebrate Life!


Infused Water