Soulistic Well-Being

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Writing Your Resilience Story

Writing your story of resilience might sound like a daunting task. You’ve lived it, now learn how to share it with others and tell your story! Learning how to tell your resilience story can be a cathartic release and help others overcome and face adversity. You can strengthen your resilience through the power of storytelling.

Have you lived a miracle like I have? It’s part of your story!

Connection with others is built through having shared experiences. Even if we don’t know them very well, our stories of overcoming adversity and how we grew stronger and now have learned to effectively cope with life’s adversity inspire others.

Story telling evokes a strong neurological response. The engaging parts of a story; “release oxytocin, the feel-good chemical that promotes connection and empathy. Other neurological research tells us that a happy ending to a story triggers the limbic system, our brain’s reward center, to release dopamine which makes us feel more hopeful and optimistic.” This is indicated in Paul Zak’s research.

Jesus was a great teller of stories and used parables that everyone could relate to, to tell His stories. He compared the Kingdom of Heaven to many things in Matthew chapter 13 where the parable of the Sower, the weeds, the mustard seed and hidden treasure and the pearl are found. He engaged people with His narratives; and their meanings were clearly relatable to their lives and the future. Many times, He asked questions when He was asked questions; to assist people to think.

Listening to others’ stories can enrich our appreciation of perseverance as others share how they moved past challenges, barriers, and adverse life events.

When telling your story of resilience, questions can assist you to think. If you feel stuck, a question can cause you to think and look deep within for the answer. Sometimes we are unable to put your thoughts into a neat little package or even know what to express. Questions can help us explore thoughts and verbalize them.

Questions help us be aware of where we are stuck on the journey. Once we become aware of where we are stuck, we can them start to visualize that next step, or even where you are currently stuck on your journey and seek help to move forward on the journey.

Questions should be thought-provoking and open ended to provoke thought. Questions like:

  • Why do you want to change?

  • How did you decide that this is what you want to do right now?

  • How did your family of origin influence the way you think now?

  • What are your strengths?

  • What are your values?

  • What might be in the way of taking that next step?

  • What does that next step look like?

This journey can be difficult alone; if you need help on this journey, I’d love to help you. I can help you in identifying that point where you are stuck and then help you discover that power within. Together we can identify how you currently cope and find ways to cope more effectively in the future. The strengths you’ve displayed will be utilized to move forward, while areas of growth and opportunity will be found.

I’d love to work with you 1:1 and guide you through formulating your resilience story. Together we can identify where you are stuck so that in your state of awareness you can identify a next step. Improved coping skills can enhance your ability to bounce back, enhance your purpose and help you feel like you belong. Resilience leads to better health, greater life satisfaction and can be grown in anyone. We aren’t born with a fixed level of resilience; it is like a muscle that needs to be strengthened.

If you’d like to check out my recent qualifications and certification with OWLS, please visit their website. I’d love to teach your small group or organization effective coping skills and give you resources on how you can thrive and tell your story of resilience to inspire others!

Writing your resilience story will point out how you currently (effectively and ineffectively) cope; together I can help you see your “set point”, where you might be “stuck” and help you take that next step in your journey on the path to thriving. 1:1 coaching an help you increase your effective oping mechanisms and remove those that are holding you back from becoming your best self.