Soulistic Well-Being

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Reaching Your Step Goals

Walking is a form of exercise that suits many different fitness levels and can be done almost anywhere so here are a few tips to help you reach your step goal. It’s the easiest and safest way for many people to exercise. Here are a few easy tips to increase your steps and the reason why. This will help you reach your step goals.

Take the stairs - Walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator can add steps to your overall count. If you work on a higher-level floor, get off the elevator early, and walk up the rest of the way.  Doing stairs is also a great way to add a cardio boost to your day.

Take a brain break – Studies show that productivity can increase when you give the brain a break every hour. Take a lap around the office to increase your brains oxygen levels and refresh your body with movement!

Park farther away – running errands? Pile on those steps by parking farther away from the building.  And when using a cart, return it to the building, not just the cart rack for a few more steps.  Offer to take someone else’s back as well, sneak in a random act of kindness!

Take a walk after dinner – in addition to adding to your step count, it can help manage blood sugar levels verses sitting with a screen. 

Don’t press send – add to your step count by skipping the email and sharing your message in person instead.  If you have time, write a note and walk it to the mailbox if you aren’t in the same office. 

Go hands free – use a headset or make a FaceTime call to get outside. A 30-minute walking call could add up to 2,000 steps = 1 mile! If you work from home, walk around the house and get a few extra steps in if the weather doesn’t allow a trip outside.

Walk the dog – don’t just let your dog out in the backyard. Exercise with them by taking a brisk lap around the neighborhood. Don’t have a dog, invite a friend with a dog…

Break it up – think of your goal in 200-500 step chunks to make it more manageable. If you did 8 bouts of 200 steps within a day you’d get almost a mile in on short breaks. Adding 500 would get you 2 extra miles! WOW!

Wear the right shoes – comfortable and supportive athletic shoes are important for staying injury free while walking. Don’t walk in dress shoes or heels. If you’re injured you’ll be unable to get shorts bouts of activity in, so dress for success not fashion.

Walk it - If you can, walk to a store, walk out the errand or walk to work. Instead of meeting a friend for a drink or food, meet up and take a walk/hike or seasonably appropriate snowshoe trail!  Then enjoy a hot or cold beverage and chat afterwards.  You’ll make smarter choices if you walk first or skip the food/drink – it’s time with your friend that counts, not calories.

 No matter how many steps or the amount of time done keep moving!

Make the rest of your life the best of your life😊