Soulistic Well-Being

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Plan B

People who succeed get up over and over again after they fall or fail…you just missed when they were down.

Plan B: Why do you need one?

Because life is unpredictable and complicated, you need to have a plan B ready – even before you need it.  Plan B is an alternative way to stay consistent with goals when your regular routine doesn’t work out as planned.  Obviously, you can’t foresee every single problem or obstacle that might come up.  Most of the time the things that get in the way are things that happen often – like weather, someone getting sick, your own lack of motivation or maybe an injury that prevents plan A from happening. Those life events won’t throw you off track if you plan to have a Plan B or even C. 

Your plan B can be a different exercise routine like the Physioball one posted in my blog on August 16th, 2021, or something new from my blog post August 15th, 2019 with more Physioball core ideas.  Maybe your Plan B is a DVD you used to do, a YouTube video, an exercise plan you saved on Pinterest or even getting back to the gym that you’ve been paying for and not attending since Covid-19 hit. You cannot keep using the “Covid excuse”…it’s a common cold now people, get back to the gym, or ballroom or sports field…whatever place you frequent for exercise. Actually do all the saved pins and videos you scrolled through while social distancing. Or get out there are try something new that you’ve been meaning to try forever! Life is short, and we can all due with more experiences and less stuff. Maybe this year for Christmas you write up coupons and give them to accountability buddies for walks, kayaking, meet you at the gym, let’s snowshoe or ice-skate… give the gift of an experience and your time to friends. Like minded people will support you and are great influences on your behavior. After I, we become like the 5 people we are closest to I think… this is not a reference to the Kevin Bacon thing at all.

Maybe you haven’t set the habit of activity and think you can start tomorrow…I have clients say that all the time. Have a meeting with yourself and find out what barriers and challenges you face and find away around them. Be creative and set yourself up for success.


Put a little thought into what derails your workouts or activity and identify the most common problems that disrupt your healthy routine

Maybe you need to batch cook a few meals so that when time is short – you have something in the freezer to eat verses skipping your workout to cook or grab fast-food.  Maybe you need to pack an extra set of workout wear so that you can run to the gym right after work, or even take a walk at work to save time.  Or maybe you need to set up that alternate activity, so that if the weather doesn’t allow you to walk outside - you can do a dance video or lift weights inside.  Or maybe you get out that Physioball, pump it up or purchase one so that your Plan B is thought out and you are prepared for it!

Make a “Plan B” today because you know that next situation will happen!

Make the rest of your life the best of your life.
