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Kind Human Week

What Ever happened to living the Golden Rule? Is it that hard to be kind?

The celebration of being Kind Human Week is celebrated August 25th to August 31st 2022.  It is sad to me that the world needs to dedicate a week to common decency and give humans ideas on how to celebrate it, as if it were only an occasion to be forgotten the rest of the year.  I think this is a very important week, as we’ve all witnessed firsthand how selfish, entitled and poopy people (family even) can be!


It’s “Be Kind To Humankind Week”.  It’s an annual worldwide celebration of kindness that is observed from August 25 to August 31. This week is a time for us to reflect on what we can do to make this world a better place.


Send my video to friends this week!

I want to make this world a better place, do you?


The celebrations were started with the simple motive that we must do all that we can to make the lives of those around us happier. You don’t have to do anything elaborate to be kind — all it takes is a kind word or helping a friend with their household chores to observe this week.

Set aside a few hours every day to do something nice for others.


“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” – Lao Tzu



1.      Lend a hand

Know someone who’s struggling to get their chores done? Get involved and lend a hand to anyone who might need your help. Something as simple as fetching groceries for someone can be a huge help to them.

2.      Forgive an enemy

It is difficult to forgive those who have wronged or hurt us. This week, try to forgive someone who wronged you. This helps you to get closure and move forward with your life.

3.      Be considerate while driving

Your morning commute can set the tone for the rest of the day. Consider practicing an extra amount of patience with those who share the road with you.


I found this great article by Allison Weaver where she gives a specific idea for each day of the week to celebrate this holiday.  She’s got great ideas, so I am pasting her article into my blog for you!


1. Saturday: Speak Kind Words

Consider giving a shout out to your favorite nonprofit or charitable organization on their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to thank them for their work. Even easier, call out the good you observe in someone else today.

If you notice something great about someone around you, give them a compliment! Create a positive atmosphere by building others up — even after Be Kind to Humankind Week comes to an end.

2. Sunday: Sacrifice Your Wants for Others’ Needs

What are your plans for Sunday? Offer to drive someone who has trouble getting around. If you’re meeting up for dinner at a friend’s house, offer to clean up when the meal is over. Find small (or big!) ways to demonstrate that you care about the needs of others.

Not getting out and about this weekend? Try donating to a charity (or charities!) that specifically focus on humanitarian causes instead! Tell your friends on social media about the causes you are supporting, too, so they can join in on the celebration. If we all do a little, it will add up to a lot!

3. Monday: Be Considerate of Motorists

Monday mornings set the tone for the week, don’t they? And so often, what happens on the Monday morning commute, specifically, makes a big difference. Consider practicing an extra amount of patience this Monday with those who are sharing the road with you.

The simplest gestures — such as letting another car go ahead of you — can make the day so much better.

4. Tuesday: Touch a Heart

Certainly there are many ways to do this. Consider volunteering time or energy for a cause you support, or donate gently used clothes or toys to your local shelter. Spend time with someone you haven’t seen in a long time, or make a donation to a charity you love.

The list of creative possibilities is endless, and since you are creative, you probably have ideas of your own. Tuesday is the day to lift someone up.

5. Wednesday: Lend a Hand

 Is there something you have always wanted to do to give back but haven’t yet started doing it? Maybe you want to start recycling so that you can help make the world a better place for future generations. Maybe you want to help serve meals at the local soup kitchen. Have you ever considered getting involved in foster care or other advocacy groups?

Wednesday is the day to take the first step. You (and the people you impact!) will never regret your extra effort.

6. Thursday: Be Thoughtful

It’s Day 6 now — how exciting! You’re doing great so far. Thursday is the day to intentionally think of those around you. Leave a more-generous-than-usual tip for someone who serves you. Write a note of appreciation on a receipt. Pick up somebody’s tab at the coffee shop.

Let’s all practice intentional and thoughtful acts of kindness every day.

7. Friday: Forgive Your Foe

Perhaps of all the items on this list, this one is the most difficult. Anyone who has been hurt knows that forgiveness isn’t simple, but forgiveness is necessary to free you from the past and enable you to move forward. So, in a sense, forgiveness is as much a gift to the forgiver as it is to the forgiven. And there is no greater time to forgive than during Be Kind to Humankind Week. Consider reaching out to someone you miss or have lost contact with.

Get out there and spread your infectious kindness to the world!


Celebrate by being the JOY in someone else’s day this week!