Soulistic Well-Being

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Keeping Christ in Chrismas

This month of December we celebrate Christ’s birth.  The culmination of over 100 Biblical prophesies and the beginning of Emmanuel’s (God with us) journey fully God and fully man on this earth.

Christmas has become commercialized and overscheduled for many and has lost it’s true meaning.  Jesus, the Son of God coming to this earth as the Good News to save all mankind.  He humbled Himself and was born into poverty, His first crib being a manager in an animal’s cave (stable of the day) in Bethlehem. 

So, how can we keep Christ in Christmas?  Our family has a few traditions I’d like to share with you. 


1.     I make a Happy Birthday Jesus cake each year and top it with candles and a small nativity scene.  We sing happy birthday to Jesus and celebrate His coming to this earth.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

2.   Read the Christmas story at gatherings. My stepdaughter reads the account of Jesus birth from Luke 1:5-56 from a scroll I made with the verses on it.  It is tied with a ribbon and unfolded, bringing attention to His story and the true meaning of Christmas.

3. Post a sign that talks about the colors of a candy cane and the upside-down cane that is a “J” for Jesus. I have made bookmarks and small give aways with this story and attached them to candy canes that I give away. This story can also be included in Christmas cards.

Legend of the candy cane.

4. Say “Merry Christmas” and don’t get pushed into saying “Happy Holidays” for the haters.  Christmas is all about Christ’s birth.  No change in the calendar (BCE - Before the Common Era folks) and changing the meaning of B.C – Before Christ and A.D. - Anno Domini or Latin for “in the year of the Lord, can change the true reason, we celebrate Christmas or the dates in history.

5. Put up a nativity in your home, have each person in the family talk about a figures part in the story of Jesus birth, or talk about how the angels came and brought tidings of great joy to the shepherds who then went to pay homage to Jesus the King.  Or how the wise men weren’t there when Jesus was born, but later a small boy. 

6. Put a Nativity scene in your yard along with your other festive decorations.  Keep the true meaning of Christmas alive despite atheists or other haters who bully and attempt to force cities not to display the true meaning of Christmas.   Our country was founded, One Nation, Under God…the 10 commandments are on monuments in Washington DC and it’s all over our money.  Try to take Christ out of Christmas?  It will not happen.  The True Light of the World shines even in dark places.

7. Sing songs and listen to music about Jesus and not santa in your home and vehicles.  Teach the next generation and keep Christ alive in your hearts.

8. Give a gift that is special to God.  Like forgiving someone, spending time with Him daily in His word and being still waiting to hear His voice. Limit gifts given out that are purchased.  It is not about getting stuff and consumerism and entitlement.  Give gifts to service and encourage little ones to give others these gifts verses looking to get and making a long list of wants.  Have them write a long list of how they can help and serve that is age appropriate.  They need to serve for every gift they get.  For example – picking up toys all year long = 1 gift from the parents.  Picking up the dog poop at grandpa and grandma’s house all year = 1 gift from them.  Teach them about service and reduce the expectant greedy spirit that many children nurse with toy catalogues.

9. Write cards to people and include the true message of Christ’s birth.  Stay away from Happy Holidays messages, be bold and speak life and the Good News in your Christmas cards and letters.  Send cards with a Christian message.  Make and send cards to missionaries you may support or know.  Thank them for giving their life in service to the Lord. Trust me—it will mean more than you can imagine!  Being away from family and friends serving in a foreign country can be lonely.

10. Make Christ the center of your gatherings and your Christmas celebrations.  Plan a goodwill project in your community or neighborhood.  Sing outside nursing homes or at family members’ homes isolated by Covid-19.  Invite others to church, online services, or special church events to fill that God shaped hole that nothing on earth can satisfy.

Merry Christmas!