Soulistic Well-Being

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January is a time for clean starts with a fresh new year ahead.  It’s time to DE-Clutter your home and your mind!   You may say, “I don’t know where to start”, “I’m burned out after the holidays” or feel each place you turn to there’s something to do.   


I want to invite you into this challenge with the idea of it helping you with simple, low hanging fruit options to reduce the clutter and engage in effective ways to cope with stress.  Start where you can and use the tips provided to tackle the mental mess as well as the after Christmas clutter as you move into 2023.

First let’s take a deep breath together.  If you’d like to use this link to help you with a square breathing technique, please try it out.  It’s also a great place to learn an effective way to cope.Navy SEALS use box breathing to stay calm and improve their concentration in extremely tense situations. Breathing is your gear stick to put your engine into the appropriate gear. Slow, stable breathing calms the heart, blood pressure, and helps you to think clearly.” Dec 14, 2020, Dr. Steven Lin. Hey, if it can help a Navy Seal, it can help you.



Here's a great formula for decluttering large, overwhelming spaces in a nutshell:

  1. Remove the easiest things first. ...

  2. Discard larger items next. ...

  3. Donate items instead of selling them. ...

  4. Break your large space into smaller bite-size challenges. ...

  5. Work until your bite-size piece is completed.


If you’d like to learn more about De-cluttering the mental mess and clean up the chaos after Christmas with its clutter - join me for my January Challenge!  It starts January 9th! (add link to challenge in events)

Take a deep breath and decide on where you can start. Grab a bag or a box and pick some low hanging fruit (an easy place to start) so that you gain confidence to tackle the rest!