Soulistic Well-Being

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The simple technique is “Affirmations” which fire up the neural pathways in your brain and makes changes to those areas of the brain that make you happy and positive.  Positive affirmations can increase a person’s sense of wellbeing, resilience, and self-worth.  They can also combat chronic stress and depression, as well as change the neural pathways in your brain.  Dr. Caroline Leaf speaks on this subject and is an expert in the field of neuropsychology.


When we repeat something, we believe it.  This can be with something negative or positive.  If you tell yourself long enough, I am not worth it, then you start to believe it and act out on those feelings.  Perhaps not taking care of your physical needs, feeling sad and depressed or pushing others away because of your negativity.  Thoughts become actions become lifestyles. Want to change your lifestyle?  Start with your thoughts. 


Every minute of every day, your body is physically changing in response to the thoughts that run through your head. Just thinking about something causes your brain to send signals and release neurotransmitters. These chemicals control virtually all your body’s functions, including your mood and feelings. Over time and with repetition, via neuroplasticity, it’s been proven that your thoughts change your brain, your cells, and even your genes.


When you realize that what you think, visualize, and say to yourself can change your body, brain, and life, it should be a daily way to restore what the world’s negativity tries to rob.  Studies suggest that positive affirmations can help us respond in a less defensive and resistant way when presented with life challenges. They are a mental health tool that can help you develop a healthy sense of self and build a more resilient brain through it’s God created neuroplastic make-up.


Affirmations means “agreement”. Positive affirmation means a constructive agreement between you and your mind.  So, why not change your life with positive affirmations? Affirmations, also called self-affirmations.  They are thoughts you intentionally come up with to support, encourage, and calm your brain and body. They can be positive statements used to challenge negative, depressing, or anxiety-producing thoughts and beliefs. They can also just be general supportive thoughts providing encouragement. Affirmations can be used to influence your thinking patterns, behavioral habits, health, and moods.  Here are a few examples…

·         I am active for my health and enjoyment!

·         I am resilient!

·         I am joyful!

·         I am good enough!

·         I am a child of God!

·         I am kind! 


You can even start with simple affirmations like the ones above. Affirm the change you want to see in your life and start reciting them each day for the next month or so. 

Change your thoughts and change your life!


You got this!  I love this song from Mandisa, OvercomerStronger is another anthem of affirmations that you can listen to in the care or on a walk as an affirmation in song. Toby Mac has a great song Speak Life, he writes about speaking life to the deadest darkest night, and speaking hope and love to yourself.  I love these songs that pick me up and untwist my thoughts.  Lastly I’ll share, Mercy Me’s, Better Days Coming.  Bart writes about the better days coming and not to give up.  The words of songs like this renew hope and are filled with positive affirmations.


Here’s a link to piano music from Dappy T Keys, called Faith & Strength.  It is 3 hours of relaxation music with scriptures that you can play in the background at work ( I used it while writing this blog post!), on a quiet Saturday morning before you start the busyness of life, or anytime that you need to bring yourself back to a time of peace, calm and relaxation.  You can repeat your affirmation, find your own scripture verse or affirmational quote for this time. There is another 3-hour video called, God is Able with piano and God’s promises of Hope and Strength. I like to have these playing in the background softly when I am working (some tasks, not with all) to create a space of calm, peace, and renewal of my mind.  They slow me down and help me focus on my breathing, my purpose and wash away the racing thoughts on each note. 

Martin Luther said, “You cannot keep birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair.” You can't keep the Devil from suggesting thoughts, but you can choose not to dwell or act on them.


This video repeats affirmations from scripture. I AM affirmations for the Bible.  It is someone reciting verses for you.  So, if you need to drench yourself in His word and renew your mind, this is a great video for that.  You can also read them out loud to yourself in your quiet time.

Choose any affirmation that you want to and visualize that you already have what you want.  If you want to be an active person, make that your affirmation.  You will then follow that thought with active behaviors, which will turn into and active lifestyle.  Change the thought, to change your behaviors, thought patterns and actions!


I know you might be thinking it’s irrational or may laugh at the idea. But let me ask you — Is it going to harm you? No. It is free!! You do not have to do anything. The very first thing you do to start your day is to visualize and use this affirmation and do the same before going to bed.


I hope that you take time in this busy season to slow down, be grateful, appreciate life and affirm what you want to change and be. 


Make the rest of your life the best of your life!  Janelle